Sunday, December 4, 2011

He is...

I vaguely remember life before Travis. I don't want to remember life before him because I know I wasn't living. He has been my strength, my smiles, my tears, my breath for what seems like an eternity now. It's hard to believe that we've only been married for a year... that we've only even known each other for two years, because no one could ever have held such a place in my life. How did I live without him?

Times are tough, not because we aren't getting along, but because there are so many amazing, incredible changes coming and we have to find some time to fit Christmas in at the same time. I'm a wreck. I'd like to blame hormones, and that's a big part, but dealing with the crap from an ex husband makes it a bit more difficult to take two kids with us. Enter my faith in God. It will come together just as He intends it to. In the mean time, my husband has done a pretty amazing job of drying my tears, patting me on the back, and dealt with his own stresses in a passive way. I give him so much credit. He's taking a giant leap of faith by taking this job and leaving the only life that he's known since he was eighteen years old. That's terrifying! Yet, he's chosen to do this with me by his side. Me? I don't know what he ever saw in me but I'm so damn thankful for it.

I often find myself thinking "keep it together!". I pray that I'm strong enough and that I'm the wife he deserves. There's so much that goes into our relationship, from the very beginning. Too many coincidences to deny that we aren't made in God's perfect eyes. Travis has shown me love and compassion time and time again. First Jude, now Nolan... and not to mention his love for my other children and the things that he does for them. I know a lot of women would argue that they have the best husband, but they just can't compare. He's my everything.

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