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Monday, April 29, 2013

Back in the game!

Wow, it's been a really long time! With so much happening in life, I figured it was time to fire up the old (or new since hubby got me a new one for Christmas) laptop and get back on the proverbial blogging horse. Did you miss me? It's ok, I missed you too! Life is wonderful at the moment... which scares me a little since I know it can't stay this good forever. I find myself switching between blissful happiness, and bracing for a disaster. Maybe that's not the best way to look at the future, but one can never be too prepared. For the most, I'm just in the moment, and trying to smile as much as I can and go with the flow. God has given me a tremendous amount of strength and courage so I know without doubt that when the storm comes, however far down the road that may be, I'll be ready for it. He's pretty cool, huh? It's amazing to look back and see the transformation He's created in me. Who was that person that I used to see in the mirror?! So since I'm back, are you ready for the BIG news? No, I'm NOT pregnant! Why doesn't everybody always assume that's my news?! Those days are (hopefully) behind us. We're buying a house!!! Hooray for being home owners! We decided that this summer was a good time to finally buy, so we got online and found some that we liked, called an agent, and put an offer on the second one that we looked at. Truth be told, it just so happens to be the one that we absolutely fell in love with before we even started the process, but never thought we'd actually be able to buy it. It just goes to show what prayer can do. If you're not a fan of it, I suggest you give it a shot. The man upstairs IS listening, you just have to speak up! Our home inspection is tomorrow and I'm just so hopefully that we'll be able to close at the end of next month and move in once school is over at the beginning of June. I haven' been this excited about something in a really long time. We are SO blessed! Did I mention that it's on a golf course? Travis will never be home... The kids are doing great! Everyone is a year older, taller (except Emma), and mouthier. Life is good! We finally were able to get a diagnosis for Aiden this Fall and ADHD it is. He was really struggling in school, and I have to say that his teacher is NOT on my list of favorite people. She has completely failed him and I'm really ready for this school year to be over. We had issues with medications and he's not on his third. I really can't complain because so many other kids and parents have it so much worse. If anything, I learned that research is key and that I need to check into every option before choosing treatment. It was heartbreaking to see my son have a bad reaction to Ritalin. That was his first drug and if you've never heard your child tell you what the voices in his head are saying, than consider it a good day. I didn't do enough research at that time and I was unaware that there was a chance of him developing aural hallucinations. NO. GOOD. After getting help, stopping the Ritalin, and FINALLY finding a medication that works, we're much better now. I am so thankful that it didn't get as bad as it could have and he's doing so much better now. I'm learning to speak up and become his voice. I am learning more and more about ADHD and how much of a struggle it is for him. Though it breaks my heart when I see how other kids react to him, or when he tells me about the bullies that tease, I know that there is so much greatness in story for my special guy. He's only 8, and there is a whole world out there just waiting to be touched by his greatness. I really do have the best kids! There's so much, but for now, I have mom "things" that are calling my name. It's time to put on my chef hat and get that gourmet shake n' bake in the over! Travis is off to Target with the Jude so they can pick up Emma's medication (nice to see you again, strep throat), and I'm going to bask in having only three kids in the house! Until later... <3 p="">


  1. Welcome back awesome lady! :)

  2. Thank you, it's good to be back! Lol, and to remember that I need to proof read before pushing the publish button so I don't have so many errors!
